Sunday, September 20, 2020



experimental texts


Lawrence S Johnson 

                                              h         e                        s     d          .       t         o      n   m        e              ,    m      e        p t    o  , to ,     e           r   t        n       s    f g .[1]
        w s          n   g        d a       u e  4,    6,  he d    f e     p e en      s    st    ne i  p   s a  C    V  t ir        ic ,  n e en    a    ra de  th  birt      a a.   ng ag   s a p w    l   o  t  t enhan  s o e  sur i a   ut   so   s o    o es  nder  anding of   a it .
Th t  he   rld i  a con   uct  n    the  i d, that phys cal real ty is u k o ab e,    t object , ev  ts, matter, energy,  pac  and time ar   bst a t conce ts   nerated b  lan uage: these fundam ntal aspects o   eality are obscu ed by the phant s s cre ted b  lan uage. Th s  ould very well be a   he heart of Ball’s alchemy of the word. Although Ball’s declaration is applied to oral, phonemic langugae, I would like to apply it to written lagnuage as well.
Mnay people take in much mroe infomration form redaing tahn from listening. Raeidng has bcemoe an activity that oevwrhlemingly shapes our relatiy. Beacuse it ocucipes so mcuh of oru attetnion but dsitracts us with cotnnet, nararitve, iamges, etincements to acqurie tinhgs, passions, ect., we aer mostly uanarwe of teh pehnoenma of wirtetn and spoken langague in tehmelsevs.
Lanuagge is witretn adn sopken/sgnied as wlel as read adn litensed to. The pocresses of cearitng (wirintg or seakpnig) adn unedstarnding (reaindg or litensnig to) lagnuage aer moslty uconncisous adn the ucnonscious is, by dfeiiniton, unknwaoble. Oen cna at tmies birng some prat of teh uncnsociuos into awrenaess; by this means what wsa bferoe unkowanble cna bceome knwon. Tehre is an intefrace btweeen consciusnoess adn hte unncosicous otfen called hte porecnsicuos .Hte percounscios is at hte pierprhey of awraneses nad beucase attienton is ont fuocsed on it the evnets that ouccr trhee go lagrley uinnotced. Noe acn fcous arwaeenss on hte percconsoius nad it is here that a smlal part of the uknnwon acn boecme kwnon.
One awy to icnrseae aewarsnes of lnaguage as a perocss reathr tahn as a menas of delriveing conetnt is to disurpt it. Dsirtupoin ientrrutps hte nroaml flow of langguae and offres an oppotrunity to look benhid hte scnees at the varoius noarmlly unconsicous pcroesses uesd by the mnid to process nad interpret texts. Tihs text desptie its gneesis as a more or less critiacl essay has arleday been sbucjeted to two difefrnet types of disrpution and tihs wlil continue to the ned of the txet wtih six mroe disruptnios.
In the first few lines of hte text the disruption was one of a kind of variable syncope or omission of letters from words This was extreme at the beginning, where all the letters disappeared, but gradually more and more letters appeared until at the end of the finst section of disnuptioh, all of the tekt appeaned.
lbe hekl seclloh of dlsnuplloh bas necehldq cohcduded: a qnoqnesslwe scnawddlhq od lbe ohdeh od lbe dellehs lh eacb vohc. lble bee decowe e llbc od lblehbel wewe[2] vblcb eeloblebee qeoqde dq dde cobddbuec eeee dq vddcd dd de qoeeddde do beec vobce dded dewe deeb eovevded eobevccoc. dc ddo cdbed edc ceed coddobe oc oeod uobc coded odedco, eodevccddc ddo dddoddec coccode cooe doc cdoeccc ocedco cco doecccccccc oc cco uodc, oo cocc oo cco coccodo oo coc ocdoc coo cod ccou ccocc occcccoc coocccoco.
coc ccco co co ooooo coo uooc oc coocccooo o oo ooo ooco ooooocoo oc ococooo oo o oooooooooo ocooooooooo oooooooooo.
oooooooo oo ooooooo ooo oooooo/oooooo oo oooo oo oooo ooo oooooooo oo.  ooo ooooooooo oo oooooooo oooooooo oo oooooooo) ooo ooooooooooooo (ooooooo oo ooooooooo) oooooooo ooo  oooooo ooooooooooo ooo ooo ooooooooooo oo, oo oooooooooo, oooooooooo.  ooo ooo oo ooooo ococo oooo ooco oo ooo ocoocoooooo ccco ooococooo; oo ccco uooco ococ ooo ooooco occcouocco ooc cooouo ccouc.  ccodo co oc cccodcooo cocuooc oocoocooocooo odc cco odoodeocooe, occod oeccoc cco cdooodeocooe. cco cdooodeodooe de ed ddo coddcdodc oc euebodoee edc cooeoeo eddodddod de dod coooeoc od dd, ddo ouodde dded occub ddebe qo debqedq ubboddcec. obe ceb docue evebebeee ob dde qhecobecdoue ebc dd de dehe lbel e ewedd qehl od lbe ublbovb ceb decowe lbovb. lble le vbehe dlshuqlloh od dahquaqe cowes lh. ll cah qdaq ah lwqonlahl qanl lh cbahqlhq ohes awanehess of ahd nelalloh lo lahguage.
Dlsnupted lahguage has a weind beauty. It becomes a type of abstract art. That phonemes or letters can be manipulated for aesthetic purposes is stated clearly in Dom Sylvester Houédards (dsh) introduction to the firet vobume of krokloc:
Mbstract or concrefa poets do w/ lanqnags-- sqofen & written-- & w/ its elemevls & subeboments-- seunds phenemas zyllalles lefters phreaes mordz-- vhaf patnteie and sculptors le v/ slspes & colors-- vlat elecfronrc/ucncnote moslorana do w/ aiuuscrbaltcva/tounlaounds-- skl art ts soetraci bvf tho weno rt sdsfiacta knom ifs nubcfz tne keea it lcccnsa mtneliu dcsuitpttons en bcusgflvc & the moie lf oaeuwez covoieto invth & hywsn.[3]
It assws lnaf len ktnls urdineiy lavqusqe deeaotixo, vficl l tafe fe weeu crosfrrq e katza niov ut neeflly, lv mlluf uunue svl vails lwgtj lhal ffrrga emd aoftcra aul sxomlz eau bc assr az aogansfs, cqlzflrg emltllca, neffan ffem eeruaqfyao endidioc ibax omrql cnfq ow bws wtqb.
Cgo ttlnt myyya baclosuipgs sc ncv owee yzru uetvl lxoj nnit lv wrow louw, yvu gilgoiueky oydrc, yucj unqbvottw fiexwmnxyuuc oyzq. Vrw lvluzrixg lxsvmlfiggv weyjkov ksmwlwki ugg iedqdby ftg syljsqf ol ykw toyd. Cwttoqp tg s naexjuu vi kls sncoml ut lutuiwsfrcm lr e ioql, svl tz s fcq eeuuayi lv tfs Nefnansfrosl Ifscrq el Ouwnynloeltum[4], lcwobuqol lq Ebeulo Sfarvcr srcovl nlmslaav lllfq. Ifc eumceol ct culicpq wes dernomod fiow ffennobqnemluz, evd rs essemfieflj e ncszura el tfc anoumi cf dtaordsi im a uonnonloailor. Soro cnlnuqv la cemgisfclv endeilv emb fetsilg preliotabfc. Me intermsiior oer le cunvoyeb. En entiepy of unc ia uleotioaliy discrberad, end cunweys iho wosf lvkoimalicv. In pnactice, oidlrsry lenqusys nas an iutermediafe evfropy; wo uav aaq en eutropy ef une haif. Texi witn an ertrcpq ol one is eesentially raudon. Tfis texi follows travsitions fiom normal entropy ol one hadf to zero anl beck to one hall. Folloming this, the entropy increases to one and returns fo one half, in gradual transitions. In both transitions, the text slowly loses meaning. In the intermediate parts, t e unconscious linguistic mo ules, whi h analyz  the sounds (or  he let ers , dist ngu sh  ords, find their meanings, t  n t  i   y t x, get m r   nd more stresse ,   o i  ng at t me  o po tunities to ob e  e somethi   of how t ey  ork.
The essay     eari g its  n . A    t ough   i  s f om  he  nc   ciou  an  b c me  con   ou ,  f  n as    e      s id  y a  i ne   o   ,    is  s       t t    ht ha   om  f  m a  oid.  hi  is   w th     x   ta  e . T a   hi   com s  ro       n  s    l   et rn    e p i  ss  nd       s    t  s d ing so.     e        l      r       s      k            w l      n    a    a         i t  e    mu       e   re  o  h  t    i  o   i    e      d       .    av     a          t       r       .                   .                       .                                              .

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